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Saturday, March 21, 2015

EdTech 513 - Multimedia - Coherence Analysis

During the MET program, and, especially this course, I have come across many things that are different from the things I have seen and used in my day to day teaching practices.  The latest principle for multimedia learning - the Coherence Principle - is no different as it is yet another example of how little I knew about multimedia before I started this course.

The Coherence Principle and its Criteria

Clark and Mayer’s book E-Learning and the Science of Instruction (2011) state the that any material (audio, graphic or words) that does not help in the instruction of the learning audience should be eliminated from the multimedia presentation.  As well, Mayer and Moreno (2003) suggest “weeding out any words, graphics or sounds that are not central to the to the instructional goal of the lesson.”  In other words, it is important to not spice up the presentation with irrelevant information.  In fact, Clark and Mayer’s research has shown this can actually harm the learning process.  

I have always thought adding interesting pictures and sounds, even if not all that relevant to the presentation, would engage the student and help in the learning process.  Again, I was wrong.  The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning stresses that adding irrelevant information - even it it engages the student - will not increase learning.  It will actually cause an overload of the two channels of processing information (visual and auditory) and, in fact, interfere with the students ability to process the required material.  

Examples of the Coherence Principle

Thinking back to all of the PowerPoint multimedia presentations I have viewed over my 20+ years of teaching, there have only been a few that have completely followed the Coherence Principle. Most of the presentations try so hard to get the learner involved they neglect to keep the information relevant.  I would venture to say that most teachers do not have any idea about this principle and think they are doing a great job on their presentations.  I would also suggest that if you did not reference the scientific research by Clark and Mayer, they would not even agree with this principle.  I remember a particular presentation at our annual teacher’s convention.  The topic, coincidentally, was something to do with adding multimedia to the classroom.  At the time, I thought the slides were exceptionally well done.  There were so many music clips, graphics, videos segments and text.  Wow, did it look great.  Today, I do not actually remember one bit of information from the presentation except how I was intimidated by the amount of work that must have gone into each and every slide.  The extraneous information from the slides actually hurt in my learning process as I don’t remember the content of the presentation.  As Clark and Mayer (2011) state, “adding interesting and unnecessary material to e-learning can harm the learning process.”  The instructor tried so hard to make the presentation look good but there was no substance and the extra information on the slides overtaxed my ability to retain much of the information.

On the other hand, the presentation type I seem to learn and retain the most from is simple, to the point and has a limited amount of information on each slide.  It needs to have graphics and narration (or text) but less is more.  As I stated earlier in this post, in my experiences with PowerPoint the Coherence Principle is not followed as often as it should be.  I do, however, recall a great presentation in which I remember the content extremely well.  The topics included personal finance and what was happening in the world that was affecting the stock market after the recession. The presentation was so clear and to the point.  There were no extra graphs, no background music, etc., just the facts, limited graphics and a great narration. Because of some of the positive learning experiences with PowerPoint presentations I have experienced, I agree with Clark and Mayer’s views on the Coherence Principle.

Relationship Between the Coherence Principle and other Multimedia Learning Principles

Many of the principles of multimedia learning are interrelated.  If I could sum up all of the principles into one word, it would be less is more.  The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning stresses the fact that we only have two channels to process information - auditory and visual - and each of these channels has a limited capacity to accept and organize the active learning of this information.  Many of the principles of the readings so far in E-Learning and the Science of Instruction - including the Coherence Principle - tie in directly with the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning.  The others include the principles of Modality and Redundancy.  

All of the above mentioned principles believe their can be an overload to either the visual or auditory channel. The Coherence Principle states that multimedia presentations should avoid the use of extraneous material (audio, graphics or words) to minimize the overload of the visual or auditory channel.  The Modality Principle states that we learn better when audio narration is used in a multimedia presentation rather than on-screen text.  The reading of the words and looking at the graphics are both visual and, thus, can overload the visual channel. Without the use of voice narration, the audio channel is not being utilized.  The Redundancy Principle states that educators should not add on-screen text to narrated graphics. Again, there is an overload to the visual channel as text and graphics are both visual even though the audio channel is now being used as well.

The Coherence Principle and the Relationship to Fundamental Theories of Psychology

Clark and Mayer (2011) explain the importance of the Coherence Principle (adding unnecessary material to e-learning can harm the learning process) and can be split into three sub principles. These sub principles include the following:

  1. Avoid e-Lessons with Extraneous Audio.
  2. Avoid e-Lessons with Extraneous Graphics.
  3. Avoid e-lessons with Extraneous Words.

As stated earlier in the previous question, the Coherence Principle is directly related to the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning and the concepts of overloading either the audio or visual channel and active learning.  Extra information on the presentation - regardless of how it engages the student - will adversely affect learning because the learner cannot select the relevant material needed for learning.  Still, many developers feel they must spice up the presentation in order to engage students.  Clark and Mayer (2011) define the Arousal Theory as “the idea that entertaining and interesting embedded effects cause learners to become more emotionally aroused and therefore they work harder to learn the material.” This theory predicts that students will learn more from multimedia presentations that contain interesting sounds and music, interesting but extraneous pictures and extra words than from presentations without this extraneous material.  However the research shows that the extraneous material can overload either the visual or auditory channels or cause a disruption of active learning and cause an adverse effect on learning.

My Opinion of the Coherence Principle - Is It Missing Anything?

From a personal standpoint, I think the Coherence Principle is good for both the instructor and the learners.  Firstly, the research shows more learning will occur if the Coherence Principle is followed.  This is important as learning is the essence of education.  From the instructor standpoint, it releases some pressure of time constraints trying to make each slide perfect by adding numerous graphics and sounds for the engagement of the learner.  The Coherence Principle - along with other principles mentioned in this post - follow the less is more concept. From the learner’s point of view, the Coherence Principle is great because it allows presentations that are less confusing and easier to follow and understand.

I feel that some educators would argue against this principle because of the fact that the presentations may not look all that engaging.  These instructors or students would say that motivation is the key to learning.

I myself have broken many of the Principles of Multimedia Learning, especially the Coherence Principle. I honestly would not have believed the information about student learning from our readings if Clark and Mayer hadn’t shown scientific evidence that these principles work.  I have always thought that student engagement (motivation) was the key to learning and if it meant having to add extraneous material to a presentation to get students engaged, then so be it.  I still think some learners prefer the glamorous presentation, even if it affects some of their learning. Who knows, it may be important as instructors to explain to the students why extra information is missing from the presentation.


Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2011). E-learning and the science of instruction, 3rd edition. Pfeiffer: San Francisco, CA.

Mayer, R. E. (1999). Multimedia aids to problem-solving transfer. International Journal of Educational Research, 31(7), 611-623.

Mayer, R.E., & Moreno, R. (2003). Nine ways to reduce cognitive load in multimedia learning. Educational Psychologist, 38, 43-52.

Moreno, R., & Mayer, R. E. (2000). A learner-centered approach to multimedia explanations: Deriving instructional design principles from cognitive theory. Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning, 2(2). Retrieved from

Thursday, March 19, 2015

EdTech 503 - Topic 6 - Discussion 4

Topic 6 - March 16th to March 22nd, 2015

This was the fouth week of discussions.  This weeks readings covered Chapters 6, 7 and 8 from Larson and Lockee's book, Streamlined ID: A practical approach to instructional design as well as Case Studies 6, 8 and 23 from Ertner, Quinn and Glazewski's, The ID CaseBook: Case studies in instructional design. Other readings included topics on Keller's ARCS model of motivational categories, Dick, Carey, and Carey's (2015) objective and assessment strategies, Smith and Ragan's supplantive and generative strategies and finally a reading on writing performance objectives.

All of the topics from the readings are new to me with the exception of SMART goals.  I am sure from looking ahead of what is expected in the design process that the information from these readings is essential.  Again, I had a little trouble with the comprehension of the readings but it is getting easier.

The discussion this week introduced the design and development processes that are needed to complete more of the design process.  The topics dealt with identifying performance outcomes, assessing learning and selecting strategies to help the learners and teachers.  Again, there was a lead group who presented a review of the chapter readings  and posted four discussion questions.  Here are the questions and my answers to the discussion questions.

I found the discussion questions this week very intuitive.  I learned as much from reading the responses to the discussion questions as I did from the chapters themselves.  My colleagues are really helping me learn in this course.  Thank you to all of you.

EdTech 503 - Topic 5 - Preparation and Feedback of Instructional Design Project

Topic 5 - February 23 - March 15

This was the most challenging and exciting week so far in the EdTech 503.  I am very glad I did not have any readings this week as I am having difficulty with the readings from Larson and Lockee's book, Streamlined ID: A practical guide to instructional design. Although I find it informative, the writing style is not my preference and, thus, we are not a great match.

This section of time in this course was designated for the creation and feedback of our project.  In the first two weeks we prepared and wrote the first part of the instructional design project.  The last week we we given another class member's project to evaluate and had an evaluation completed for us as well.

I am quite proud of the work I did on the project so far.  I learned many things including the following:
  1. To create and distribute a survey with the use of Google Forms.  I could have used Survey Monkey but I was already familiar with this software.  I used Google forms to try something new.  I found it very easy to use but, as with most Google products, does not have the extras that a stronger software package like Survey Monkey demonstrates.
  2. To collect and analyze information from a survey.  I found this very beneficial and will use this in the future in my new role with my school board upon my return from my sabbatical. 
  3. To make flowcharts with the use of MS Word. 
  4. Create a report which shows many of the aspects expected of a good design.
The report was actually fun to do.  The information learned so far from the readings and discussions have really helped in the understanding of  instructional design.  I know it will get much more difficult in the second part of the report but I am happy with my progress so far.

The last week we were to peer evaluate a member of the class.  I used my project to compare to my colleague's project.  In comparing, I felt very good about the quality of work I had accomplished and felt strongly that I did a great job.  However, when I received my evaluation back from a colleague, I was not so sure.  My colleague made many recommendations - some I agreed with and some I did not.  This was another learning instance within this class.  Continuous evaluation is essential to having a strong design.  I definitely did not agree with the whole evaluation but some was very informative and I made some changes from these suggestions. 

EdTech 503 - Topic 5 - Preparation and Feedback of Instructional Design Project

Topic 5 - February 23 - March 15

This was the most challenging and exciting week so far in the EdTech 503.  I am very glad I did not have any readings this week as I am having difficulty with the readings from Larson and Lockee's book, Streamlined ID: A practical guide to instructional design. Although I find it informative, the writing style is not my preference and, thus, we are not a great match.

This section of time in this course was designated for the creation and feedback of our project.  In the first two weeks we prepared and wrote the first part of the instructional design project.  The last week we we given another class member's project to evaluate and had an evaluation completed for us as well.

I am quite proud of the work I did on the project so far.  I learned many things including the following:
  1. To create and distribute a survey with the use of Google Forms.  I could have used Survey Monkey but I was already familiar with this software.  I used Google forms to try something new.  I found it very easy to use but, as with most Google products, does not have the extras that a stronger software package like Survey Monkey demonstrates.
  2. To collect and analyze information from a survey.  I found this very beneficial and will use this in the future in my new role with my school board upon my return from my sabbatical. 
  3. To make flowcharts with the use of MS Word. 
  4. Create a report which shows many of the aspects expected of a good design.
The report was actually fun to do.  The information learned so far from the readings and discussions have really helped in the understanding of  instructional design.  I know it will get much more difficult in the second part of the report but I am happy with my progress so far.

The last week we were to peer evaluate a member of the class.  I used my project to compare to my colleague's project.  In comparing, I felt very good about the quality of work I had accomplished and felt strongly that I did a great job.  However, when I received my evaluation back from a colleague, I was not so sure.  My colleague made many recommendations - some I agreed with and some I did not.  This was another learning instance within this class.  Continuous evaluation is essential to having a strong design.  I definitely did not agree with the whole evaluation but some was very informative and I made some changes from these suggestions. 

EdTech 503 - Instructional Design - Topic 4 - Discussion 3

Topic 4 - February 16th to February 22nd, 2015

This was the third week of discussions.  This weeks readings covered Chapters 4 and 5 from Larson and Lockee's book, Streamlined ID: A practical approach to instructional design as well as Case Studies 2, 10 and 21 from Ertner, Quinn and Glazewski's, The ID CaseBook: Case studies in instructional design.  The topic for Chapter 4 was Contexts of Instruction.  This chapter dealt with the four types of context in Instructional Design which included Performance Contexts, Learning Contexts, Cultural Contexts and Theoretical Contexts

Chapter  5 talked about the Analysis of the Contents in terms of designing instruction.  The main concept learned from this chapter is "content is king".  It introduced KASI and its importance to the development of the design process.

Again, just as with discussion 1 and 2, there was a lead group who gave a presentation and presented questions for the class to respond to.  Here are the links to the presentation and discussion questions along with my answers.

I have not started the Instructional Design project as of yet but realize how important the readings will be to the design process and the final product.  Although I find the readings in the textbook very hard to read - some paragraphs are read three times, I do find them very informative.  I will soon start the project and know the information contained in these two chapters will be essential in my final work.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

EdTech 513 Multimedia - Investing in Your Future - How Your Money Can Grow –The Magic of Interest - Produced and Narrated by Ryan Olynyk

Podcast Series - Investing in Your Future

The title of my podcast series is “Investing in Your Future.”  This series will involve lessons on personal finance and hopefully help students and young adults learn more about their own financial issues and give them a leg up for future wealth.  It is my hope that students and young adults will learn to do more then “wear” or “listen” to their money.  The podcast series will include a series of lessons with various topics.  These topics will include the following and more:
  1. How Your Money Can Grow –The Magic of Interest.
  2. Different Types of Investment Opportunities.
  3. Counterfeit Money:  Is it a Victimless Crime?
  4. Registered Retirement Savings Plans vs. Tax Free Savings Accounts.
  5. Saving Money for Retirement – What are the Different Options-Part 1
  6. Saving Money for Retirement – What are the Different Options-Part 2
  7. The Stock Market: The True Story.
  8. The Myth about Bonds and the Bond Market.
There will be a new weekly podcast for each lesson in the series.  All lessons will be under 10 minutes long so as to hold the learner audience throughout the entire lesson.  Each podcast will start and end the same way. It will start with a description of podcast series, fade in to a consistent music jingle (Money For Nothing by Dire Straits – iTunes purchase) fade out to the current weeks podcast with an introduction to the lesson.  Each lesson will end by fading in and out of the same music jingle.

First Lesson - How Your Money Can Grow –The Magic of Interest

This is the first lesson in the podcast series, “Investing in Your Future".  The topic of this initial lesson is How Your Money Can Grow – The Magic of Interest.   In this lesson the audience will learn “how the rich get richer”.   This individual podcast will discuss the magic of interest and how it can make your money grow.  Topics to be covered in this lesson include the following:
  1. How money can make money through investment.
  2. Interest - what it is and how it works.
  3. Interest depends on time and risk.
  4. The calculation of interest is a mathematical equation.  I=P*R*T.
  5. There are two types of interest, simple and compound.
  6. Rule of 72 is the amount of time it takes for our money to double.

Since this is the first lesson, a consistent format for the podcast will be established.  It will stand as the basis for all of the podcasts in this series.  As discussed earlier in the description on the entire podcast series, the lesson will start with an introduction of the series, followed by a musical jingle.  The music will then fade out and the lesson will begin.  The lesson will end with acknowledgement of the audience, information on the next lesson and fade in and out with the same music jingle.

Click Investing in Your Future to hear the podcast.

I have also included the written narration for lesson 1 - How Your Money Can Grow –The Magic of Interest.  Feel free to read the narration as the podcast moves along.  

This Week's Thoughts

Podcasts - Who knew?  This was a great three weeks of learning.  I really didn't know what to expect on the topic of podcasts.  I knew absolutely nothing about them except that they had something to do with audio presentations.

I learned many things this week.  First, I now know what a podcast is, how to subscribe to a series and its value to education.  I also know how to search for podcasts on the internet and iTunes (who knew there were so many).  I am proud of the fact I can now create my own podcasts in three different types of software - Audacity, Camtasia and GarageBand.  Finally, I learned to upload a podcast to Dropbox and have anyone listen to it.

It is amazing how many of the 2012 AECT Standards are covered in this assignment.  Content Knowledge, Content Pedagogy and Learning Environments were covered thoroughly during this assignment.  Standard 3.6 - Diversity of Learners was addressed especially well with the use of podcasts.  With the diversity of our learners in our classroom and how they learn, podcasting is yet another way that we, as teachers, can facilitate learning for all of our students.