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EdTech 504

EdTech 504 - Final Reflection

Full Circle - Theories of Education Technology

Semester:     Summer 2015
Instructor:    Dr. Yang
Textbook:     Theoretical Foundations of Learning Environments - David Jonassen and Susan Land


Synthesis Paper - Final Draft
Discussion on Theories of Educational Technology
Module 4 Reflection:

This course really surprised me. I was dreading the fact that there was going to be so much research and writing. In the end, I think I learned more about student learning than any course I have ever taken. I believe that this course belongs in any education masters program. It is valid for curriculum and supervision, leadership and, of course, educational technology.

Before I begin my final reflection, I want to reflect upon the last module of the course. We were to chose between two topics. The first topic was what new knowledge of learning theory will you take into the classroom with you, and how will that affect the implementation of technology in your instruction? The second topic was in your opinion, which theory seems to be difficult to be applied in a specific learning environment such as: K-12, Secondary, or Online, etc. in today’s information technology society? I chose topic one. Here is my response. I found this question very insightful. It made me think of a lot of the learning in the course and the different learning theories. It made me realize just how much I have to change my classroom approach in the coming school year.

Here is a review of the course reflections and course artifacts:


Final Reflection:

This course really surprised me. I was dreading the fact that there was going to be so much research and writing. In the end, I think I learned more about student learning than any course I have ever taken. It has changed my view on learning and I feel I am ready to tackle the 21st century classroom and high school reform in our school district. l believe that this course belongs in any education masters program. It is valid for curriculum and supervision, leadership and, of course, educational technology.

What were the most important things I learned this semester?

I believe the most important thing I learned in this course was how students learn and how times are changing. I learned so much about different learning theories and how it affects student performance in the classroom. I have been teaching for over 20 years but have never studied how students actually learn. I used to cringe when our professional development dealt with this concept. I know now of the importance of learning theories to education. Fortunately, I have worked in the area of Career and Technology Studies so I have adopted many of the constructivist teaching strategies. It really is important to keep up with the emerging learning theories to keep on top of the ever-changing landscape in the classroom.

How was my teaching (or thoughts about teaching) impacted by what I learned or experienced this semester?

I really didn’t know what to expect from this course - except the fact that I knew it would involve the two things I hate most of graduate courses - research and the writing of papers. I am so glad I took this course. I think deep down inside, before taking the course, I had behaviouristic views about teaching. It is probably because I grew up in this era and took my undergrad degree in education when this concept was the norm. Even though - as mentioned in the last question - I teach in the area of Career and Technology Studies and have adopted many of the constructivist teaching strategies, I felt that behaviourism was still the best way to teach students. We teachers have heard constantly from our school administrators that we must change. Many of us felt, why change if it ain’t broke.

Reading so much about the learning theories and how students learn has really enhanced what I learned this summer. At first I read and kind of said “whatever” but as I read more and researched new and emerging theories like connectivism and communities of practice, I started to open my mind. It makes sense. I really can’t wait to get back into the classroom and try these new ideas.

Did I (or will I) use the projects, skills, or ideas from this course in my teaching, training, or professional practice? If so, how?

Definitely. The school I will be teaching at is at the forefront of high school reform (redesign) in our province. It is expected that teachers use constructivist methods such as personalized learning, inquiry and project-based learning, reflection, collaboration, authentic learning and cross-curricular to enhance learning and move students into 21st century learners. Without the knowledge from this course about new emerging learning theories I would say I would have been lost. I plan to use a combination of the behaviourist and constructivist views as well as parts of connectivism. I am so looking forward to the school year.

Select three of the projects/assignments you created/wrote in this class and read the description of the related AECT standard. Then answer this question: How do these projects/assignments demonstrate my mastery of the AECT standards?

Annotated Bibliography - This artifact falls under the AECT standards of 3 - Learning Environments and 5 - Research. The Annotated Bibliography made me select appropriate resources to my learning as well as demonstrate knowledge of learning theories, follow APA rules of citation and decide if the resources were credible.

3 - Learning Environments
3.2 - Using - Make professionally sound decisions in selecting appropriate resources to provide optimal conditions for learning.

5 - Research
5.1 - Theoretical Foundations - Demonstrates knowledge of past and current theories of educational technology.
5.3 - Assessing/Evaluating - Applies formal strategies in assessing and evaluating resources for learning.
5.4 - Ethics - Conducts research using accepted professional and institutional guidelines and procedures.

Learning Theories Paper - This artifact falls under the AECT standards of 3 - Learning Environments and 5 - Research. The Learning Theories Paper made me select appropriate resources to my learning and cite each credible resources as well as demonstrate knowledge of learning theories, follow APA rules of citation and decide if the resources were credible

3 - Learning Environments
3.2 - Using - Make professionally sound decisions in selecting appropriate resources to provide optimal conditions for learning.
3.5 - Ethics - Foster a learning environment ethics guides practice and respects copyright.

5 - Research
5.1 - Theoretical Foundations - Demonstrates knowledge of past and current theories of educational technology.
5.3 - Assessing/Evaluating - Applies formal strategies in assessing and evaluating resources for learning.
5.4 - Ethics - Conducts research using accepted professional and institutional guidelines and procedures.

Synthesis Paper - This artifact falls under the AECT standards of 3 - Learning Environments and 5 - Research. The Synthesis Paper made me select appropriate resources to my learning as well as demonstrate knowledge of learning theories, follow APA rules of citation and decide if the resources were credible

3 - Learning Environments
3.2 - Using - Make professionally sound decisions in selecting appropriate resources to provide optimal conditions for learning.
3.5 - Ethics - Foster a learning environment ethics guides practice and respects copyright.

5 - Research
5.1 - Theoretical Foundations - Demonstrates knowledge of past and current theories of educational technology.
5.3 - Assessing/Evaluating - Applies formal strategies in assessing and evaluating resources for learning. 
5.4 - Ethics - Conducts research using accepted professional and institutional guidelines and procedures.

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