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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

EdTech 543 - Social Network Learning - Final Reflection

Semester:     Summer 2016
Instructor:    Jackie Gerstein

Final Reflection

I did not know exactly what to expect when I enrolled in EdTech 543 - Social Network Learning. I knew I would have difficulty at first because I had no previous experience with social networking (except the use of Google + in my first course). I thought that everyone else in the course would have a leg up when it came to the use of social media because of their use in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. Personally, when I first started the course, I had no desire to learn about social networking as I did not want to mix my professional and personal lives but I knew that to become a better teacher in 21st Century education, I needed to get up-to-date with the students and the technologies they use.

The class did not disappoint. We jumped right in with setting up and using many social media accounts including Diigo, Twitter and Facebook. I wrote a paper on Connectivism in EdTech 504, read some literature on Communities of Practice and was involved in many PLCs in our school so I was familiar with some of the concepts needed to truly understand the importance of a networked world. This, however, was the extent of my knowledge in this course. Concepts such as the importance of solid digital footprints, curation and real time online professional development were foreign to me. I always thought that the less digital footprint, the better. I was wrong.

One of the most valuable things I learned were the ability to use online, real-time for professional development. The use of webinars and Twitter chats are essential to keep up with the ongoing changes in our education system. I enjoyed the information from the webinars and the backchannel discussions however I did not like Twitter chats overall. I found I did not have time to collect my thoughts and respond because the backchannel discussions were qutie often off topic. I found this did not allow a strong discussion of particular concepts. I think that with more practice, Twitter chats will be more effective.

Probably the most important facet of this course was the creation and use of personal learning networks. I am so grateful for my colleagues in the course and have gained so much knowledge from each and every one of them. My PLN consisted of two very dedicated, intelligent colleagues who have become my friends. I have learned so much from both of them. I feel this experience with my PLN truly shows the value of social networking. The amount of knowledge out there is incredible. It is amazing that I let so many years pass before I started to use other people’s skills and thought processes.

In the future, I plan to continue with the use of social media in a professional nature. I need to learn more about Twitter as I believe there is so much potential with this media in education. I hope to continue with the creation of a solid digital footprint by showing consistency in all of my platforms, creating a personal website, blogging regularly and putting in the effort to get out there online with all of the media I wish to continue to use. I also plan to continue with real-time and virtual PD and be a part of the groups I have joined throughout the course. In the classroom my wish is to create many PBL projects with the implementation of social media. I think this will create so much engagement from the students and excitement for the teacher.

My goal when I joined the MET program was to move into a higher administrative role in my school board. I would like to become a Specialist of Learning Technologies and then move into an Assistant Principal and Principal roles. The concepts I learned from this course will surely lead me in 21st Century education that is expected in high school redesign (reform).

Assessment of Blog Posts

As far as my assessment of my blogs during this course, I have met all of the requirements and have gone beyond what was expected. I was always on time or early and commented on others' blogs through the use of Facebook. I feel I deserve a grade of 75/75 in this section of the course.

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