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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Tech Trends


This week I found very rewarding.  Last week, while doing research I can across some articles that referred to the 2013 Horizon Report.  The related information was very beneficial to my research and I was happy to find out that this week's assignment was - in part - to read the NMC 2014 Horizon Report (K-12 version).  I found the information very useful and I hope to bring many of the ideas back to my school from, not only a teaching standpoint, but an administrative standpoint as well.

My chosen topic for this assignment was the use of cloud computing.  I knew very little about this topic.  I did not use any cloud storage sites or cloud office suite applications before this class started.  I must say, I was missing out.  Through many hours of research and watching YouTube videos, I can now say I know a lot about this topic.  I can't believe that we do not use this in our schools.

This Week's Assignment

I chose to do my topic on Cloud Computing.  I went at this assignment at a different angle.  Instead of writing a proposal to my school for the implementation of this technology, I decided to give information sessions about this technology.  First, I wrote a report that I would have sent to all of the stakeholders entitled "Cloud Computing: What is it?"  Then, after a few days, when everyone has had a chance to read the report, I would have done a slide presentation at our school so I could go over more information about cloud technology to all who were interested.  Those who were  not able to attend the slide presentation would have a chance to see it in a Voice Thread I created with the same information as the presentation.  If asked I would have then given my recommendation.


I am a firm believer of change in the classroom and in our schools.  It truly is amazing the technology that is out there to help kids learn and to help teachers facilitate the students to get the best out of themselves.  The last two assignments - with all of the research on learning and new technologies and the implications to our students -  and the reading of the Horizon report have made me realize that the students of today are blessed with the opportunity to do so much more.  It really is up to our education system to bring in the best possible tools for the generation of today and let our kids show the world what really can be done.

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