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Sunday, February 15, 2015

EdTech 503 - Instructional Design - Topic 3 - Discussions and Instructional Design Project

Topic 3 - February 9 -15

Readings and Discussion

This was a very busy week.  The week involved continuing with our readings and discussions on select chapters from Larson and Lockee's book entitled, Streamlined ID:  A Practical Guide to Instructional Design.  We also had to prepare the first section of our Instructional Design Project - the Goal Statement and the Audience Description.

The selected Chapters for this weeks discussions were Chapters 2 and 3 and case studies 7, 14 and 28.  We also read two case studies (#1 and #2) from Michael Power's A Designer's Log:  Case Studies in Instructional Design.  In addition we read Behaviourism, Cognitivism, Constructivism:  Comparing Critical Features from an Instructional Design Perspective written by P. A. Ertmer and T. J. Newby.

My group was the lead group this week.  This meant that we had to design a presentation to the rest of our class on the assigned readings.  The  group (Katie Lauritsen, Garrett Christen, Kristyn Degi, Gene Tognetti and myself) made a Google presentation and came up with four questions with which to lead the week's discussion.  We each posted one question but lead the discussions in all question areas.  Below is a link to both the Google presentation and the questions to the class.

Link to Google presentation

Discussion Questions

I learned so much this week about Instructional Design.  The reading from Chapter 2 covered the topic of needs (the problems, challenges and opportunities) and the steps needs for total understanding.  Knowing the stakeholders and their expectations and everyone roles and responsibility is vital to the design process.  I also learned the definition of a SME (subject matter expert) and their importance to the process. Finally, understanding the problem was discussed.  The designer must get the learner from "what is" to "what should be".  Different avenues of collecting this data were shown.

Chapter 2 talked about the learner and the importance of not assuming things about the learner.  It is important to collect data about the learner so as to be able to get to as many learners as possible.  It discusses how to analyze the learner and how the different learning characteristics can influence any design.

Instructional Design Project

This week we had to chose a topic for our Instructional Design Project. We had to come up with our goal statement and audience description for our project.  Although, the assignment only took a few minutes, it was a long process to try and find the topic of the project.

Below is a link to my Instructional Goal and Audience Description.

One of the most important aspects to ID is evaluating and re-evaluating.  I received some very productive feedback from my instructor and have decided to narrow down my topic.

The new topic is Upon completion of this 2 - 3 hour online tutorial, teachers will be able to use the Learning Content Management System (LCMS) called D2L to edit, manage and deliver an already created online course.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

EdTech 513 Multimedia - Project #1 - Multimedia Instruction

This week we had to make a multimedia presentation using some newly learned techniques in PowerPoint.  At the same time, we were to use the principles of Multimedia and Contiguity.

The Multimedia Principle states that "pictures and words are better than words alone."  Another rules is "less is more" (Clark and Mayer, 2011).  They go on to state that given the fact that the evidence shows that learners can only process limited amounts of information at a time, it was important to try and use a limited amount of text and more graphics on the presentation.  I found this quite difficult to do.  I always thought that too many pictures and not enough words caused a lack of substance in the presentation.

In this presentation, I tried to use pictures and videos to show the information (visual) and narrate the information in the speaker notes (auditory).  I used only a small amount of text on the presentation however I am a little worried that I may have too many pictures on certain slides.  Hopefully, the slides are not that overwhelming for the learning.

The Contiguity Principle states that pictures and words should appear in close proximity to each other and narration should appear in context with the slide that is present.  I felt I did a good job with this aspect of the presentation.  My narration coincided with the pictures and video at hand.  I tried to stress the topic of each slide by only speaking about that particular slide that an arrow pointed to.  I also had small captions that were directly underneath each picture so there was no confusion as to the topic of the discussion.

I had a lot of fun with this assignment but I do have much to learn.  Considering this was my first real attempt at multimedia, I was quite happy with my work.

Below is a link to the presentation and an embedded version of the presentation.  I wanted to have both as I want to see the speaker notes that go along with the presentation.

Project 1 - Multimedia

Thursday, February 5, 2015

EdTech 503 - Topic 2 - Discussion1 on Instructional Design

Topic 2 - January 26th to February 8th, 2015

In this assignment we were required to answer questions in a discussion forum from readings on the topic Instructional Design.  The readings for the week were Chapter 1 of Steamlined ID: A Practical Guide to Instruction Design by Miriam B. Larson and Barbara B. Lockee.  Another reading was Chapter 1 of The Essentials of Instructional Design by Brown and Green.

I have no experience in Instructional Design so I found the readings very informative.  I had trouble reading the text at first as I had no knowledge with which to relate my learning.  However, as the chapter went on, I was able to find a little bit of a comfort zone.

The content in the chapters will be beneficial in my future with my school board.  I plan to become a leader in the school board in technology and online learning.  The information on the design process and what is involved in instructional design will give me a leg up on the development of the learning expected in our school board.

Below are the answers to the discussion questions.

Discussion questions

Monday, February 2, 2015

EdTech 513 - Multimedia and Contiguity Principles

Week Four - February 3rd - February 9th, 2015

This week we were asked to read chapters 4 and 5 in E-Learning and the Science of Instruction.  The topics included principles in multimedia and contiguity.  We also read information of what to do and not to do while using PowerPoint to design a presentation.  There was much to learn.  Our assignment consisted of a discussion on what we learned and how we would change our previous work now that we have more knowledge about the topic.  Here is a link to my answer.

Originally, I was not sure if I should take this course.  I do not really use multimedia all that much and therefore have little or no experience in this topic.  As I want to become a leader in our school board when I return to teaching, I felt it was imperative to take courses in which I can use to become a mentor for my colleagues.