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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

EdTech 542 - Reflection Week 6 - Assessments

This week we continued with our PBL projects. The topic of this module was assessments. I found this week to be quite time consuming but it was expected considering the amount of time we, as teachers, spend on assessment development and the actual assessment of our students.

There was a lot of information on different types of assessments and their creation. I have added many new resources to my resource list as they were very helpful. I also added these to my resource page in the project.

Here is a link to my project thus far. Note the Assessment and Resources pages.

This week showed that there are so many ways to help students learn. Although summative assessment is still very important to test a child's progress, formative assessment (on-going assessment) is the way of the future. It is essential for students to be assessed in a variety of ways which can lead to "learning as they go." Things such as formative quizzes, journals and learning logs, preliminary plans, rough drafts, practice presentations, notes, checklists, concept maps and self and peer evaluation can be used to assess students throughout the project. These allow for the students to learn what is correct and what needs work during the project when they can be corrected. It should be noted that these assessment methods can also be used for summative assessment.

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