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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Topic 8 - Weeks 11 and 12 - De-briefing the PBL Project

Once the final presentation is complete - including the culminating activity, the weekly reflection journal and the final reflection about the project, there are perceptions that the project is completely finished. These perceptions are incorrect.

Two more important things that come from the project include the enhancement of a better project next year and a discussion with other teachers and administrators about the success of PBL in general.  A final class discussion using the information collected from the shared Google document will help ensure that the students obtain the most possible out of the project. It must also be used to enhance the project for next year’s class. Who better to judge learning than the students who were involved in the project. This shared document was open during the semester in real-time so that students could write down their thoughts - good or bad - about things that happened that were important to the student. In the final discussion about the project, students will use this document to reminisce about successes and failures and bring them forward for discussion. All ideas will be documented and used to create an even better project next year. The second important aspect of the project is an informal presentation or discussion with the students, the classroom teacher, other teachers in the school and the administration. 21st Century education is about the outcomes and competencies students can gain from authentic projects like the Thinking Entrepreneur.  It is important for all stakeholders in a school to understand the importance of this type of education and how learning occurs even though it is different from our traditional methods.

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