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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Week 15 - EdTech 542 - Final Reflection

Project Based Learning is a term that many of my colleagues use to describe the style of teaching they use in the classroom. Before taking EdTech 542, I was one of these teachers. In our CTS department, we made many project lessons using inquiry based techniques but not to the extent of a true Gold Standard PBL. The changing landscape of 21st Century education demands more from our classes and expects authentic, life-long learning from our students. PBL gives each and every child (and teacher for that matter) the chance to engage in meaningful learning. Both the outcomes and competencies needed to succeed later in life are a part of every project and the students and teachers involved in these projects have a greater chance to have fun with education.

What do I Know About Project Based Learning? What Do I Need To Improve Upon?

Although this was my first attempt to develop a true Gold Standard PBL, I believe I have a good understanding of the process and what is expected from both the teacher and the student. First and foremost, I know now how much work is involved with the creation of a good project. Second, It helped to have a template for the project that was split into the sections required. It allowed for the opportunity to learn and concentrate on each area of the project before moving on. Third, I have learned that this is another technique that can be used by teachers. Just as it is important to vary our traditional ways of teaching, it is also important to not only rely on this teaching technique. Overall, I feel confident in my abilities to design and use more of these projects in the future.

One area of a PBL project I am a little unsure about is the management of the class throughout the project. I have taught long enough to know that no matter how much preparation you put into a class, the unexpected happens. Students come with different skill sets and motivation. Until I actually implement this project, I am not sure how the students will react.

What Did I Expect to Learn in the Course? What Did I Actually Learn?

I was not completely sure what to expect when I enrolled in EdTech 542. Definitely I wanted to know the true definition of Project Based Learning and all that is involved. Second, I wanted to be able to create a PBL assignment and use it in my classroom. Third, I was hoping to receive resources for my future endeavours. I have to say that all of my expectations were realized. I learned so much from this course including the difference between true PBL and many of the lessons I have been using in the past. The resources were great and will be beneficial in my future teaching. Mostly I learned not to be afraid of trying something new. It makes for an exciting journey for the teacher and leads to more engagement from the students.

What Will I Do With What I Have Learned?

Currently, I am in the process of applying for admin positions in my school board. It is my hope I can use the concepts learned to support and mentor teachers. I would like to present at our PD conferences and workshops and be able to help teachers expand their arsenal of teaching techniques. From a teaching perspective, I will be using PBL in my classrooms starting next year. I can’t wait to try out my project and create more PBL opportunities in the future.

In closing, I would like to thank all of my colleagues who have helped me in this course. A special thank you to Dr. Yang for responding to my emails and helping me get through the difficult sections of this course. I wish you all good luck in the MET program.

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