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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

EdTech 543 - Week 1 - Use of Social Media in the Classroom

Beginning Reflection on the Use of Social Media

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Education today is so different than it was only 10 years ago. The introduction and implementation of new teaching theories such as Constructivism and Connectivism, the unlimited new technologies available for our students and the way students learn in the 21st Century have all led to an enormous change in teaching and learning pedagogy and what is expected in our classrooms. The only true constant is change. Teachers using traditional methods of instruction are falling further and further behind. It must be stressed that the only way to keep up with the students of today is to join the revolution.
What are you initial reactions about joining these social networks for use in this course?
I joined the MET program so I could be more in touch with my students and learn the ways of teaching in the 21st Century. EdTech 543 - Social Network Learning was not on my radar when I started the MET program however, through the advocacy of a colleague who had previously taken the course, here I am.. I mean what better way to connect with the students. There is a small problem. Other than Google+ I have never been involved with the use of any social networking sites. I am nervous for two very different reason. First, I have always separated my personal and professional life. I am concerned now that I am on Facebook and Twitter that these two very different areas of my life will cross. Second, I know so little about social networking that I am not sure I can get caught up in a ten week course to what many people have been using for 5-10 years. I realize that this course is designed for educational purposes but I know so little about the topic. Even the assignments in week one (setting up a Facebook, Twitter and Diigo accounts) have taken me much more time than the average person. I do hope I get more comfortable with this 21st Century skill.
What is your experience in using social media for your own professional development?
As I have mentioned in the earlier question, I have very little experience in using social media. I believe it has a place in education but so far I have not been involved. When I first started the program, I had to learn Google+ for EdTech 501. I had never heard of this application. The good thing is, with practice, things got easier. I am now comfortable with Google+ so I know it is only a matter of time before I am comfortable with Facebook, Twitter and Diigo as well. So far, the thing I like most is the Tweetdeck. I have found this to be a valuable organizational tool when using Twitter. It reminds me a lot of Feedly.
What is your experience in using social media as an instructional strategy in your learning environment?
Personally, I can see many great advantages to using social media in education. First and foremost, the amount of knowledge that can be gained at the click of a button is endless. Second, the use of collaboration will be enhanced with the use of social media. Unfortunately, I have not yet included this strategy in my teaching repertoire. It is my hope that EdTech 543 will give me the ability and confidence to use this in the classroom.
What are your expectations for this course?
My expectations of the course are to learn different types of social media and be confident in both personal and professional use. I expect to learn how to use social media in the classroom as a teaching and learning tool and use it in an appropriate and effective manner. Another expectation is to gain enough knowledge to help in the mentoring of other teachers in my school board. Upon the completion of the MET program I plan to move into an administrative role as a Specialist of “Learning Technologies.” It is my hope that the skills learned from this course will bode well for my future educational plan.

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