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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

EdTech 504 - Reflection 3 - Emerging Theories and Strategies

EdTech 504 - Reflection - Module 3
Emerging Theories and Strategies

Semester:   Summer 2015
InstructorDr. Yang
Textbook:   Theoretical Foundations of Learning Environments - David Jonassen and Susan Land


  1. Dede, C. (2008). A seismic shift in epistemology. EDUCAUSE Review, 43(3), 80-81. Retrieved from (normally EDUCAUSE would not be considered a credible research journal, but Chris Dede is a very well known scholar.)
  2. Required Reading: Koetting, J. and Januszewski, A. (1991). Theory building and educational technology: Foundations for reconceptualization. Proceedings of Selected Research Presentations at the Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Retrieved from SearchType_0=no&accno=ED334991
  3. Taylor, E. (2007). An update of transformative learning theory: a critical review of the empirical research (1999-2005). International Journal of Lifelong Education, 26(2), 173-191, doi:10.1080/02601370701219475 (located in the library guide)
  4. Required Reading: Moore, M. G. (2004). Research worth publishing. The American Journal of Distance Learning, 18(3), 127-130. Retrieved from (Once on the journal website, you need to for the right volume (18) and issue (3) to locate the article. Please try to find this article from the BSU library - if you have to pay for downloading the article from the journal website.)
  5. Cavanaugh, C., Barbour, M., & Clark, T. (2009). Research and practice in K-12 online learning: A review of open access literature. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10(1). Retrieved from
  6. Gokool-Ramdoo, S. (2008). Beyond the Theoretical Impasse: Extending the applications of Transactional Distance Education Theory. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. 9(3). Retrieved from
  7. What Connectivism Is? - George Siemens is well known for his work in developing the theory of Connectivism. George articulates the meaning of his theory, how the theory of Connectivism translates into actual classroom practice and how we view the world from the perspective of our educational systems.
  8. Kop, R., & Hill, A. (2008). Connectivism: Learning theory of the future or vestige of the past? The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 9(3). Retrieved from
  9. Siemens, G. (2004). Connectivism: A theory for the digital age. Retrieved from
  10. Angeli, C. (2009). Epistemological and methodological issues for the conceptualization, development, and assessment of ICT TPCK: Advances in technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK). Computers and Education (0360-1315), 52 (1), 154-168. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2008.07.006

Completed first draft - Synthesis Paper
Peer review of paper

AECT Standards:

3 - Learning Environments
3.2 - Using - Make professionally sound decisions in selecting appropriate resources to provide optimal conditions for learning.
3.5 - Ethics - Foster a learning environment ethics guides practice and respects copyright.

5 - Research
5.1 - Theoretical Foundations - Demonstrates knowledge of past and current theories of educational technology.
5.3 - Assessing/Evaluating - Applies formal strategies in assessing and evaluating resources for learning.
5.4 - Ethics - Conducts research using accepted professional and institutional guidelines and procedures.
Module 3 Reflection:
This was the week to write our Synthesis Paper. To my surprise - totally my fault - the first draft was to be completed by Friday, this left only three days to write the paper. Luckily I had read all of the readings on my topic, Connectivism. I read and wrote basically for three straight days - literally 12 hours a day (this was just after I completed the annotated bibliography as well). My greatest fears about writing papers was realized. In the end, it was not so bad. I was very happy with my first version of my paper and learned so much about the changing definition of educational technology and about a new emerging learning theory, connectivism. This paper is probably one of the most gratifying to research and write that I have ever completed as I learned so much more about how learning takes place in the classroom. I also found that when I start teaching in a couple of weeks that it is time to change some of my antiquated ways.

The second part of the module was to peer review a classmate’s paper. I found this very process very uncomfortable. Dr. Yang warned us about how this could be a difficult process and how it has its rewards in the end. She mentioned that classmates and colleagues provide a perfect "first step" for feedback and insight. In the end it was a very valuable experience.

My review was difficult in that the paper I was reviewing was not written with a high standard of word usage. I had to rewrite many of the paragraphs to meet a master’s level paper. The ideas of the paper were great but the style made is so hard to read. In the end, I only gave examples of areas to work on as I found there to be too many errors. I did not want to rewrite the whole paper. I hope it was beneficial for my colleague. On the other side of the equation, the review for my paper was very beneficial. There were not too many corrections. I did have to review some of my references. Also, my use of APA needed some work. Here is my final paper with the review at the end.

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