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Sunday, August 2, 2015

EdTech 541 - Walled Gardens and Social Networking

Walled Gardens: It's Time to Go

This blog discusses walled gardens and why it is time for educational institutions to say good-bye.

The voice thread below comments on my personal views of the use of filtering software in our schools. Click here for the accompanied text of the presentation. The photo represents a time in the world's history where a wall blocking a group of people from the outside world finally came down. This is representative of why filtering software must go. Students must be able to find knowledge and connections from all over the globe, not just certain places (or websites).

Photo Credit - Google advanced search - free to use


Roblyer, M.D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching. (7ed). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Skype in the Classroom. (2015). Retrieved from

(2015). Walled garden. In Webopedia.  Retrieved from

(2015). Welcome to takingitglobal for educators. TIGed. Retrieved from

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