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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

EdTech 504 - Reflection 1 - Introduction to the Field, Epistemology and Theory

EdTech 504 - Reflection - Module 1
Introduction to the Field, Epistemology and Theory

Semester:    Summer 2015
Instructor:      Dr. Yang
Textbook:    Theoretical Foundations of Learning Environments - David Jonassen and Susan Land


  1. Self - Introduction
  2. Readings
Historical overview of technology use in the classroom
    1. Required Reading: Valdez, G., Mcnabb, M., Foertsch, M., Anderson, M., Hawkes, M., and Raack, L. (2000). Computer-based technology and learning: Evolving uses and expectations. Revised Edition. Naperville, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service Number: ED456816).
    2. Required Reading: Luppicini, R. (2005). A systems definition of educational technology in society. Educational Technology & Society, 8 (3), 103-109. Retrieved August 26 from
    3. Required Reading: Damasio, A. (2002). How the brain creates the mind. Scientific American Special Edition, 12(1), 4-9.
    4. Required Reading: Ertmer, P.A., & Newby, T.J. (1993). Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 6(4), 50-72.
    5. Required Reading: Textbook--Theoretical Foundations of Learning Environments
  1. Personal Definition of Educational Technology
  2. Learning Theories Paper

AECT Standards:

        5 - Research

5.1 - Theoretical Foundations - Demonstrates knowledge of past and current theories of educational technology.
5.3 - Assessing/Evaluating - Applies formal strategies in assessing and evaluating resources for learning.
5.4 - Ethics - Conducts research using accepted professional and institutional guidelines and procedures.
Module 1 Reflection:
This was a very exciting week as we had almost two full months off with the changing timetable at Boise State. It was time to get back to work.

I was a little concerned with this course as I thought it would require the two things about education that I do not necessarily like. Reading of theory and writing papers. Wouldn’t you know it, the first module was exactly this. There were numerous readings required in this module. I was dreading this but I found the readings very interesting. I learned so many new things about student learning and how teaching and learning must change for the 21st century teacher and learner. I learned about behavioursim, constructivism, connectivism, communities of practice and the concept of student-centred learning environment. Most of this was quite new to me.

In the first assignment we were to make up our own definition of educational technology. With the help of Januszewski and Molenda’s definition of educational technology and with collaboration with others in the class, I came up with this definition.

Educational Technology is the practice of facilitating personalized and student centered learning by creating and using technological processes and resources to improve student motivation and learning capabilities.

Here is my completed submission for this assignment.

The second assignment in the module was the writing of a paper on a learning theory. I chose Bruner’s Discovery Learning theory - part of the constructivist views on learning. I found the paper very difficult to write for two reasons. First, I did not know anything about this theory. I use it in my class but did not know there was a theory that went along with this teaching strategy. There was so much research to be done. Second, I knew very little about consructivism - until the readings of the module. I will be returning to a new school - after this year’s sabbatical - and my new school is a leader in high school reform in our province. I thought it would be prudent to study a new type of learning. Before I could write this paper, I had to learn so much about constructivism as well. It was a lot of research to say the least. Here is my learning theory paper on Discovery learning.


Januszewski, A., & Molenda, M. (2008). Educational technology: A definition with commentary. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

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