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Saturday, January 24, 2015

EdTech 503 - Instructional Design Job Posting

This is our first assignment is EdTech 503.

In this assignment the class have been asked to look at job actual job descriptions for the position of instructional designer. The websites I looked at for the jobs were,, and

We were asked to make a job description and then answer three questions pertaining to the topic. The questions were as follows:

1. What are teachers expected to do that instructional designers are not?
2. What are instructional designers expected to do that teachers are not?
3. What are the three major differences between a teacher and an instructional designer?

We were also asked to relate our findings for personal experience. Here is a link to my assignment.

I found this assignment very worthwhile.  Although the assignment itself was relatively non time-consuming, I found it took me a long time to do the work.  I was intrigued by the position of instructional designer and what it would take to excel in this position.  I looked at many job postings just to see about qualifications and job description.

I know of a few retired teachers who have ventured into this line of work.

Friday, January 16, 2015

EdTech 513 - Creating My Learning Log

Week Three - January 27 - February 2, 2015

I first started my learning log in EdTech 501.  It was my first try at creating a blog but I became quite frustrated. The blogging was easy but I wanted to create a learning log that would react like a webpage in that I could click on any of the pages I created and it would go directly to that area of my learning.  Inside this area is where I wanted to post the blogs pertaining to the educational topic assigned.  I felt this was important because I knew I would be taking more than one course at a time.  I did not want each professor or classmates to have to see the work from another course.  I did not know if this was possible as I have never use Blogger or any blogging software before I started the MET program.

EdTech 513 gives me a chance to work more on my learning log.  I feel much more confident now that I have taken a few courses in the program and am not so stressed by the new technology.

So now I found out that Blogger (I believe WordPress is as well) is a static blog.  This means that all posts are put on the home page even if you would like them to appear on one of the other pages.  I wanted my learning log to appear organized, especially since I am taking more than one course at a time.  Well, this is not happening. 

So this is what I did.  I took all information (artifacts, reflections) from the my completed courses and copied them into the pages where the information belongs.  Although they are not actual live posts, they show my learning in the courses listed.  Since the courses are completed anyway, it should be fine.  I do not need to post anymore to these pages but it lets me go to each course to reflect upon my experiences.

I also created a page called About Me and page for the AECT Standards.  Now the learning log looks like a webpage (of course it actually is) and actually reacts like a webpage as well.  It has a URL address and can be seen on the web. The only thing it is not capable of doing is adding posts directly to the pages where they will end up.

The learning log assignment relates to the AECT standard 2.3 - Creating processes and technologies to improve learning and performance.  As well, AECT standard 1.4 - Learning characteristics is also affected.  I believe that learning logs and blogs are exceptional ways to reflect upon learning and a great place to go and re-learn certain topics.  It is through reflections that I learn best.  The technological tools used to create and keep a learning log help to organize reflections in a place that I can get to anywhere, anytime.

This learning log still needs a lot of work and will probably be re-done in WordPress at some time, however,  blogger gives me the opportunity to learn more about the blogging process.  The journey has just begun.

EdTech 513 - Multimedia - Online Learning - What Does Good Courseware Look LIke?

Week 2 - January 19 - January 26, 2015

I must say my experience with online learning as a student is quite limited.  This is beginning of my third semester (fourth and fifth courses) in the MET program and this program has been my only experience as a student in the online learning atmosphere.  For teaching purposes,  I have used a blended learning environment for the last four years.  There is still so much to learn.  I hope this course will enhance my ability and confidence in the use of online learning both from a mentoring and learning point of view.
So far I have completed three classes in the MET program (501, 502 and 533).  They have all had excellent instructor feedback, have been well organized and have provided a balance for my learning needs.  I would say the courses have been excellent.  
Using these courses and the courses I have developed as my experience, I would say the three most important things involved in designing a good online course are the following:
  1. Course preparation:  The course must be well organized as to not leave any questions as to what is required in the course. The course must be tailored for the age and/or ability of the student and establish a clear set of learning goals.  It is important to have the student focus on the expected learning outcomes of the assignment and not the anxiety that comes from a disorganized course.  Have the students learn, not stress.
  2. Blended learning environment:   As shown from the reading Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning from the US Department of Education, blended learning environments can be the most effective method of learning for students. The online learning atmosphere creates the opportunity for improved student engagement in learning.  There is no doubt that the use of multimedia (audio, text and pictures) has led to more interesting classes, however, the students still needs teacher support.  A classroom lesson, a small face-to-face meeting or even a video hangout will help keep the student stay on track to meet the expected learning goals.   If nothing else, the student will feel more accountable knowing the teacher is following his progress closely.  The student gets a feeling of caring when there is constructive feedback and a friendly voice.   In today’s new teaching pedagogy, students’ collaboration is essential for student learning.  However, in my opinion, teacher feedback is still one of the most important factors in student growth.  The students appreciate student involvement but they need and, for the most part, want to use the teacher’s knowledge and experience.
  3. Find a Balance:  Astounding animations like audio, sounds, pictures and video to convey the content on your online learning course seems practical.  However, there can be too many of these.  As well, not enough of these features can also affect the learning of the student.  The online course should be designed to have the student go beyond just reading and writing but, at the same time, keep the students on task so as to meet the learning goals specified.  Opening up the course to too much media can cause an overload of discovery learning and cause the student to venture completely off topic.  If they do not have enough media and text is the only means of information, the  student may lose the engagement sought by using the online method of teaching.
It is also very important to keep a balance of inform and perform.  The course must be written is a way to give information but also to build specific skills.  The students needs facts, but to keep student engagement, they have to be able to use the skills learned.
Online learning can be exceptional if student differentiation is taken into consideration.  With cloud computing and the internet, the students now have the ability to do their learning anywhere, anytime.  It is important to not take the mistakes learned from the classroom over the last 100 years and put them in an online course.  Not all students learn the same way or learn at the same rate.  Whether a student learns best from reading, watching, listening or doing, a good online course should give the student the ability to choose.

EdTech 533 - YouTube for Educators - Final Reflection

EdTech 533 - YouTube for Educators 

This was my favourite course so far.  I had absolutely no experience in YouTube or any of the software required for this course (Camtasia, Premiere Pro and more) but I really surprised myself.  This is the course that made me realize that I really do belong in the MET program.  I was not sure if I was capable of doing the work associated with the MET program because of my limited knowledge of technology, but was I wrong.  As it turns out, I am capable.  I worked so hard to complete all of the assignments and to put in extras into each assignment.  I found I learned more from this course than any course I have ever taken.

The things learned in this class were endless.  I learned all about YouTube and the great educational advantage it can give teachers and students in the classroom.  I learned to give video presentations with a webcam and a microphone by doing vlogs (video blogs).  I learned how to video and do video editing with Premiere Pro including using green screen, picture in picture and slow motion.   I also learned how to give tutorials with the use of Camtasia.

This course is so important for my future goals of becoming a leader in our school board.  I am confident I can mentor teachers and schools on the use of all of the new software I learned and the importance of this software in educating our students.

Here is a link to my YouTube channel.  This shows all of the work I have created and many thoughts about the course.  Also here is a link to my storyboard for my virtual tour assignment.

Thank you to my instructor - Chareen Snelson - for giving me the confidence in this class.

All of the AECT standards associated with this course are in my final vlog.

EdTech 502 - Final Reflection

I very much enjoyed this class.  I loved the ability to see my work as I was finishing it.  I feel I learned so much and I feel confident in my abilities to either design a webpage or mentor other staff members in learning HTML and CSS.  I also learned anther Adobe product - Fireworks.

We touched on many different things in webpage design such as aside boxes, web accessibility, concept maps, tables, responsive webpages and webpages with multiple pages.

We also learned many topics for educational technology.  Things I learned were proper netiquette, web accessibility, copyright laws on the internet, jigsaw learning, m-learning and virtual tour learning.

My instructor - Lora Evanouski - was incredible.  She made it fun and was there for any support needed.  Thank you Lora.

I have attached my final webpage which includes all websites I developed.  There is a noticeable difference from week 2 to the end of the  course.

502 Webpage

Thursday, January 15, 2015

EdTech 502 - Reflection Week 12

EdTech 502 - Internet for Educators

Semester: Fall 2014
Instructor:   Lora Evanouski
Reflection: Module 12 - Responsive design and WebQuest.

AECT Standards:

1.1.2b Create instructional plans that address the needs of all learners, including appropriate accommodations for learners with special needs.
1.1.2d Incorporate contemporary instructional technology processes in the development of interactive lessons that promote student learning.
1.1.3b Demonstrate personal skill development with at least one: computer authoring application, video tool, or electronic communication application.
1.3.b Identify at least one instructional model and demonstrate appropriate contextualized application within practice and field experience.
1.4.b Describe and/or document specific learner characteristics which influence the selection of instructional strategies.
2.3.2 Design, produce, and use digital information with computer-based technologies.
2.4.1 Use authoring tools to create effective hypermedia/multimedia instructional materials or products.
2.4.2 Develop and prepare instructional materials and products for various distance education delivery technologies.
2.4.4 Use telecommunications tools such as electronic mail and browsing tools for the World Wide Web to develop instructional and professional products.
2.4.5 Develop effective Web pages with appropriate links using various technological tools (e.g., print technologies, imaging technologies, and video).

Module 12 reflection - Responsive webpages and WebQuest

I had a lot of fun with this website.  It was great looking at the finished product on my smartphone. I think I am most proud of this webpage of the sites I have created so far.

The use of fluid grid layouts made this m-learning activity quite easy.  It was very time consuming trying to get each size of your project just how you want it.  Mobile out does make a lot a sense as it seems that most of the mistakes are at the small screen look.  It was fun to see how your site changed as you changed the size of the screen.  The CSS was not more complicated but it was a lot more tedious.  I forgot that the CSS validator has a lot of trouble with fluid-grid layouts and therefore I had some errors on my CSS.  I spend over five hours trying to fix the issues but decided to leave it as I did not want to mess up all of my hard work.
From a teaching standpoint, the WebQuest assignment is awesome.  It took a lot of work but it can not be adapted for many years.  I think the students will love it except that there is a lot of work involved for them.  

As I have mentioned many times in the past, my goal is to move up in a higher administrative position in our school board.  Reinforcement on teaching pedagogy is very important in my learning.  I feel that this week’s assignment will be a useful tool in my future endeavours.   I will use what was learned from this assignment in my future roles in our school board.

EdTech 502 - Reflection Week 11

EdTech 502 - Internet for Educators

Semester: Fall 2014
Instructor:   Lora Evanouski
Reflection: Module 11 - Multiple web pages and Virtual Tour

AECT Standards:

1.1.2b Create instructional plans that address the needs of all learners, including appropriate accommodations for learners with special needs.
1.1.2d Incorporate contemporary instructional technology processes in the development of interactive lessons that promote student learning.
1.1.3b Demonstrate personal skill development with at least one: computer authoring application, video tool, or electronic communication application.
1.3.b Identify at least one instructional model and demonstrate appropriate contextualized application within practice and field experience.
1.4.b Describe and/or document specific learner characteristics which influence the selection of instructional strategies.
2.3.2 Design, produce, and use digital information with computer-based technologies.
2.4.1 Use authoring tools to create effective hypermedia/multimedia instructional materials or products.
2.4.2 Develop and prepare instructional materials and products for various distance education delivery technologies.
2.4.4 Use telecommunications tools such as electronic mail and browsing tools for the World Wide Web to develop instructional and professional products.
2.4.5 Develop effective Web pages with appropriate links using various technological tools (e.g., print technologies, imaging technologies, and video).

Module 11 reflection - Multiple Web Pages and Virtual Tour

It seems like a broken record but I had a lot of fun with this website.  I was  allowed to do a topic that really interests me.  I took my favourite sport - hockey - and made it an educational opportunity for my students.  Since hockey impacts a large amount of the population in Canada, I think the assignment will be very interesting for my students.

I was very proud of the finished product.  It took me a lot of hours to finish the assignment but it was worth it.  I learned how to add video, audio and use one topic and create a multiple page website.  I think it looked great when I was finished.  

I tried to incorporate other things I had learned from this class.  I used Fireworks to make some images because I felt I did not learn enough about the program on the “Concept Map’ assignment.

It was also the first assignment I did while away travelling.  I learned I do have the commitment to complete the assignments at a high quality even though the beach was waiting.  I am also proud of this.

I found the use of multiple web pages quite easy but very time consuming.  All the other assignments have been one page, this one was eight.   

As I have mentioned many times in the past, my goal is to move up in a higher administrative position in our school board.  Reinforcement on teaching pedagogy is very important in my learning.  I feel that this week’s assignment will be a useful tool in my future endeavours.   I will use what was learned from this assignment in my future roles in our school board.

EdTech 502 - Reflection Week 10

EdTech 502 - Internet for Educators

Semester: Fall 2014
Instructor:   Lora Evanouski
Reflection: Module 9 - M-Learning and responsive websites

AECT Standards:

1.1.3b Demonstrate personal skill development with at least one: computer authoring application, video tool, or electronic communication application.
2.3.2 Design, produce, and use digital information with computer-based technologies.
2.4.5 Develop effective Web pages with appropriate links using various technological tools (e.g., print technologies, imaging technologies, and video).

Module 9 reflection - Responsive webpages and m-learning

I had a lot of fun with this website.  It was great looking at the finished product on my smartphone.  I think I am most proud of this webpage of the sites I have created so far.

The use of fluid grid layouts made this m-learning activity quite easy.  It was very time consuming trying to get each size of your project just how you want it.  Mobile out does make a lot a sense as it seems that most of the mistakes are at the small screen look.  It was fun to see how your site changed as you changed the size of the screen.  The CSS was not more complicated but it was a lot more tedious.

From a teaching standpoint, this is the type of new learning I need to know more about.  I will tell you I was one of the teachers who would not let students even look at their smartphones.  I thought the kids would be texting.  I have come to realize that texting is no different than talking to their neighbor in class.  It is up to us as teachers to keep the students engaged so they use the phones for the right reasons.  This M-activity is great.  They can use the smartphones and, at the same time, learn.  The limits are endless.  No more complaining that there are not enough computers to do the assignment.  Student engagement will be brought to a new level.

As I have mentioned many times in the past, my goal is to move up in a higher administrative position in our school board.  Reinforcement on teaching pedagogy is very important in my learning.  I feel that this week’s assignment will be a useful tool in my future endeavours.   I will use what was learned from this assignment in my future roles in our school board.

EdTech 502 - Reflection Week 9

EdTech 502 - Internet for Educators

Semester: Fall 2014
Instructor:   Lora Evanouski
Reflection: Module 8 - Jigsaw Activity and Tables in Dreamweaver

AECT Standards:

1.1.2b Create instructional plans that address the needs of all learners, including appropriate accommodations for learners with special needs.
1.1.2c Integrate information literacy skills into classroom and media center instruction.
1.1.2d Incorporate contemporary instructional technology processes in the development of interactive lessons that promote student learning.
1.1.3b Demonstrate personal skill development with at least one: computer authoring application, video tool, or electronic communication application.
1.3.b Identify at least one instructional model and demonstrate appropriate contextualized application within practice and field experience.
1.4.b Describe and/or document specific learner characteristics which influence the selection of instructional strategies.
2.3.2 Design, produce, and use digital information with computer-based technologies.
2.4.1 Use authoring tools to create effective hypermedia/multimedia instructional materials or products.
2.4.2 Develop and prepare instructional materials and products for various distance education delivery technologies.
2.4.4 Use telecommunications tools such as electronic mail and browsing tools for the World Wide Web to develop instructional and professional products.
2.4.5 Develop effective Web pages with appropriate links using various technological tools (e.g., print technologies, imaging technologies, and video).

Module 8 reflection - Jigsaw learning activity and use of tables on Dreamweaver

I know I have been very repetitive but what can I say.  This week was great. I learned how to do l tables on Dreamweaver.  I am grateful that we were able to use Dreamweaver and not have to code this from scratch.  It would have taken a long time.  I am confident that I know enough about table layout and the coding of tables that I could do this from scratch but it was nice to see it done for you and learn from that.  I find that looking at a table now I can manipulate it as I want.  It was difficult at first considering there are so many lines.

From a teaching standpoint, I have used the Jigsaw method before.  I find it is used very often at the conferences I go to as a teacher.  I think it is very valuable but it is important that all are involved.  It is easy to hide and let others do all of the work.

As I have mentioned many times in the past, my goal is to move up in a higher administrative position in our school board.  Reinforcement on teaching pedagogy is very important in my learning.  I feel that this week’s assignment will be a useful tool in my future endeavours.   I will use what was learned from this assignment in my future roles in our school board.

EdTech 502 - Reflection - Week 8

EdTech 502 - Internet for Educators

Semester: Fall 2014
Instructor:   Lora Evanouski
Reflection: Module 7 - Interactive Concept Map

AECT Standards:

1.1.2b Create instructional plans that address the needs of all learners, including appropriate accommodations for learners with special needs.
1.1.2d Incorporate contemporary instructional technology processes in the development of interactive lessons that promote student learning.
1.1.3b Demonstrate personal skill development with at least one: computer authoring application, video tool, or electronic communication application.
1.3.b Identify at least one instructional model and demonstrate appropriate contextualized application within practice and field experience.
1.4.b Describe and/or document specific learner characteristics which influence the selection of instructional strategies.
2.3.2 Design, produce, and use digital information with computer-based technologies.
2.4.1 Use authoring tools to create effective hypermedia/multimedia instructional materials or products.
2.4.2 Develop and prepare instructional materials and products for various distance education delivery technologies.
2.4.4 Use telecommunications tools such as electronic mail and browsing tools for the World Wide Web to develop instructional and professional products.
2.4.5 Develop effective Web pages with appropriate links using various technological tools (e.g., print technologies, imaging technologies, and video).

Module 7 reflection - Interactive Concept Map

This week was a tremendous learning week for me.  I was a little intimidated by what was expected for the week.  This week was by far the most challenging so far but I think I also learned the most.   

We learned about using a “concept map” on a website and using it as a learning device for students. From a web design standpoint there was so much to learn.  We learned how to use images and make a banner on the webpage.  We also learned about how to make a gradient background for your webpage.  Other important things we learned was how to use hotspots so you can link to other areas of interest.  We learned why it is important to have alternate text and what “target_blank” actually means.  

We also learned new software from Adobe.  We used Fireworks to manipulate images to use for our banners.  I had a tough time with this part of the week.  I have never used either photoshop or Fireworks so the learning curve was very steep this week. It didn’t help that when I was making a gradient background, my software had a glitch - or so I thought.  It took me eight hours to do something I can now do in five minutes.  Talk about frustrating.  I finally called my instructor and she explained what I was doing wrong.  Thank you Lora.

I feel proud of the work I did this week, especially considering it was all brand new to me.  I still am not an expert at Fireworks but as least I am now able to work with it.  I know that with practice, it will become a valuable tool when it comes to web design.

EdTech 502 - Reflection Week 7

EdTech 502 - Internet for Educators

Semester: Fall 2014
Instructor:   Lora Evanouski
Reflection: Module 6 - Copyright and Fair Use

AECT Standards:

1.1.2b Create instructional plans that address the needs of all learners, including appropriate accommodations for learners with special needs.
1.1.2d Incorporate contemporary instructional technology processes in the development of interactive lessons that promote student learning.
1.1.3b Demonstrate personal skill development with at least one: computer authoring application, video tool, or electronic communication application.
1.3.b Identify at least one instructional model and demonstrate appropriate contextualized application within practice and field experience.
1.4.b Describe and/or document specific learner characteristics which influence the selection of instructional strategies.
2.3.2 Design, produce, and use digital information with computer-based technologies.
2.4.1 Use authoring tools to create effective hypermedia/multimedia instructional materials or products.
2.4.2 Develop and prepare instructional materials and products for various distance education delivery technologies.
2.4.4 Use telecommunications tools such as electronic mail and browsing tools for the World Wide Web to develop instructional and professional products.
2.4.5 Develop effective Web pages with appropriate links using various technological tools (e.g., print technologies, imaging technologies, and video).

Module 6 reflection - Copyright and Fair Use

This week was great.  I really started to learn and understand the things we have been working on on our websites.  I worked a lot this week on margins, padding, boxes and borders.  I now understand the difference between all of them and their importance to the development of new websites.  I also started to understand more about links and tags such as hover, focus, active, visited and linked.  

We learned about “copyright” and “fair use” this week.  I was one of the teachers under the impression that if the information was for educational purposes, it was allowed.  I was wrong.  This is so important.  I also learned that Canada has a different view of “fair use”.  Canada -  and most Commonweatlh countries use something called “fair dealing”.  It is similar but does not go as far as the “fair use” law does in the US.

I feel that this week’s assignment was essential for me.  I will use what was learned from this assignment in my future roles in our school board.  The knowledge learned this week will let me help students and staff to understand the value of copyright and the use of “fair dealing in the classroom”.