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Friday, January 16, 2015

EdTech 533 - YouTube for Educators - Final Reflection

EdTech 533 - YouTube for Educators 

This was my favourite course so far.  I had absolutely no experience in YouTube or any of the software required for this course (Camtasia, Premiere Pro and more) but I really surprised myself.  This is the course that made me realize that I really do belong in the MET program.  I was not sure if I was capable of doing the work associated with the MET program because of my limited knowledge of technology, but was I wrong.  As it turns out, I am capable.  I worked so hard to complete all of the assignments and to put in extras into each assignment.  I found I learned more from this course than any course I have ever taken.

The things learned in this class were endless.  I learned all about YouTube and the great educational advantage it can give teachers and students in the classroom.  I learned to give video presentations with a webcam and a microphone by doing vlogs (video blogs).  I learned how to video and do video editing with Premiere Pro including using green screen, picture in picture and slow motion.   I also learned how to give tutorials with the use of Camtasia.

This course is so important for my future goals of becoming a leader in our school board.  I am confident I can mentor teachers and schools on the use of all of the new software I learned and the importance of this software in educating our students.

Here is a link to my YouTube channel.  This shows all of the work I have created and many thoughts about the course.  Also here is a link to my storyboard for my virtual tour assignment.

Thank you to my instructor - Chareen Snelson - for giving me the confidence in this class.

All of the AECT standards associated with this course are in my final vlog.

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