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Thursday, January 15, 2015

EdTech 502 - Reflection Week 5

EdTech 502 - Internet for Educators

Semester: Fall 2014
Instructor:   Lora Evanouski
Reflection: Week 4 - More CSS and Netiquette

AECT Standards:

1.1.2b Create instructional plans that address the needs of all learners, including appropriate accommodations for learners with special needs.
1.1.2d Incorporate contemporary instructional technology processes in the development of interactive lessons that promote student learning.
1.3.b Identify at least one instructional model and demonstrate appropriate contextualized application within practice and field experience.
1.4.b Describe and/or document specific learner characteristics which influence the selection of instructional strategies.
2.3.2 Design, produce, and use digital information with computer-based technologies.
2.4.1 Use authoring tools to create effective hypermedia/multimedia instructional materials or products.
2.4.2 Develop and prepare instructional materials and products for various distance education delivery technologies.
2.4.4 Use telecommunications tools such as electronic mail and browsing tools for the World Wide Web to develop instructional and professional products.
2.4.5 Develop effective Web pages with appropriate links using various technological tools (e.g., print technologies, imaging technologies, and video).

Week 5 reflection - Netiquette:
Again, the learning this week was time consuming but very rewarding.  I love to do these webpages, especially now that I am starting to get the hang of it, but they take a long time.  I hope that as I get to know the CSS coding a little better, I will become more proficient at doing these webpages.

This week I learned a topic that I only had limited information on previously.  Not only did I learn much more coding, I also learned a topic I would like to teach to all of people using the internet.  There is nothing more frustrating than having 20 forwarded jokes on my email when I am busy.  Netiquette is something everyone should learn and be more aware of the responsibilities when using the internet.

My webpage focussed on netiquette for the educator.  I tried to reinforce that we as teachers have a responsibility to use the internet correctly.  We are the professionals, we need to show it.  I tried to show ways that teachers must act on the internet when dealing with students and other colleagues whom we may have never met.

On my webpage I tried to use different colours and tried a variety of looks.  I figured out how to use classes and became much more proficient at paddings, borders and margins.  I also learned how to shorten a URL in if my CSS evaluation does not work.

Overall, it was a great learning experience this week.  Can’t wait to see what is in store in next’s week assignment.

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