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Friday, January 16, 2015

EdTech 513 - Creating My Learning Log

Week Three - January 27 - February 2, 2015

I first started my learning log in EdTech 501.  It was my first try at creating a blog but I became quite frustrated. The blogging was easy but I wanted to create a learning log that would react like a webpage in that I could click on any of the pages I created and it would go directly to that area of my learning.  Inside this area is where I wanted to post the blogs pertaining to the educational topic assigned.  I felt this was important because I knew I would be taking more than one course at a time.  I did not want each professor or classmates to have to see the work from another course.  I did not know if this was possible as I have never use Blogger or any blogging software before I started the MET program.

EdTech 513 gives me a chance to work more on my learning log.  I feel much more confident now that I have taken a few courses in the program and am not so stressed by the new technology.

So now I found out that Blogger (I believe WordPress is as well) is a static blog.  This means that all posts are put on the home page even if you would like them to appear on one of the other pages.  I wanted my learning log to appear organized, especially since I am taking more than one course at a time.  Well, this is not happening. 

So this is what I did.  I took all information (artifacts, reflections) from the my completed courses and copied them into the pages where the information belongs.  Although they are not actual live posts, they show my learning in the courses listed.  Since the courses are completed anyway, it should be fine.  I do not need to post anymore to these pages but it lets me go to each course to reflect upon my experiences.

I also created a page called About Me and page for the AECT Standards.  Now the learning log looks like a webpage (of course it actually is) and actually reacts like a webpage as well.  It has a URL address and can be seen on the web. The only thing it is not capable of doing is adding posts directly to the pages where they will end up.

The learning log assignment relates to the AECT standard 2.3 - Creating processes and technologies to improve learning and performance.  As well, AECT standard 1.4 - Learning characteristics is also affected.  I believe that learning logs and blogs are exceptional ways to reflect upon learning and a great place to go and re-learn certain topics.  It is through reflections that I learn best.  The technological tools used to create and keep a learning log help to organize reflections in a place that I can get to anywhere, anytime.

This learning log still needs a lot of work and will probably be re-done in WordPress at some time, however,  blogger gives me the opportunity to learn more about the blogging process.  The journey has just begun.

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