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Thursday, January 15, 2015

EdTech 502 - Reflection Week 4

EdTech 502 - Internet for Educators

Semester: Fall 2014
Instructor:   Lora Evanouski
Reflection: Week 4 - Copyright and Fair Use

AECT Standards:

1.1.3.b Demonstrate personal skill development with at least one: computer, authoring application, video tool, or electronic communication application.
1.3.b Identify at least one instructional model and demonstrate appropriate contextualized application within practice and field experiences.
1.4.b Describe and/or document specific learner characteristics which influence the selection of instructional strategies.
2.3.2 Design, produce, and use digital information with computer-based technologies.
2.4.1 Use authoring tools to create effective hypermedia/multimedia instructional materials or products.
2.4.2 Develop and prepare instructional materials and products for various distance education delivery technologies.
2.4.4 Use telecommunications tools such as electronic mail and browsing tools for the World Wide Web to develop instructional and professional products.
2.4.5 Develop effective Web pages with appropriate links using various technological tools (e.g., print technologies, imaging technologies, and video).

Week 3 Reflection:

Week three took me a long time to complete.  I had a little trouble with CSS..  I have never used or even heard of Cascade Style Sheets.  I found them a little confusing but, just like the HTML, I found the readings and videos very helpful.  There were a lot of resources to go through but I read and watched each and every resource.

CSS was challenging but very exciting to learn.  It was fun to watch the original web page we created change into a much more complete project.  I still need to learn more about some of the CSS platform.  

I did not understand the use of “class” very well.  I know - from the reading and videos - what it is and how it works but it does not make that much sense to me.  Through experimenting with the code, I found I could have done some things much more quickly and more efficiently than using the “class” function.  I know I must not be understanding fully the use of this item.

My hope is for the rest of the course is that I can get more involved with the discussions in the class.  I have worked hard to get caught up and now I feel a little more confident in my abilities to help other students with their questions.

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